Learning strategy

If learning is the key skill for the future, we need to be very clear on how we will will help our teams become life-long learners and supercharge our business along the way. Plus, linking your people’s purpose to your organisation’s vision means everyone’s meaning and purpose will be engaged.

Taking time to stop and get clear the capabilities your organisation needs, the skills your people want, best practice learning, and how your learning needs to look and feel to engage your people is the most important thing you can do. I can complete a training needs analysis and strategy for your organisation, or coach you to do it.


create strategic learning consultants

When people come to you, do they ask for training solutions? Instead work with your stakeholders to diagnose the actual performance problem and what behaviour change they need to see.

From this you can design a solution which will meet everyone’s need, as well as the budget’s. You can then measure the success of your solution. This is proving the true value of practical, engaging and results oriented performance and learning. Everyone wins.

facilitator and speaker

learning experience design

Is your team up to date with modern learning design? People learn differently already this year than they did last year - what can we do to engage people in learning?

Anna has decades of experience in learning and instructional design helping organisations get the behaviour and results uptake they need from learning solutions (hint - the answer to your performance problem is probably not only training).

I can run a workshop or coaching learning solution for you in-house, or you can come along to my Brightstar courses - see below for more information.


Future capabilities

What skills will your organisation need for the future? Anna helps you strategise for these.

design thinking, experimentation and agile

Anna is a certified agile team facilitator and loves using design sprints to help you combine the skills you already have with design thinking, lean startup experiments and agile into your teams, projects and work. This makes your learning more customer centred, faster, fun and useful.


change and od coaching

As developing people and culture becomes even more important to our organisational success and bottom line, Anna can coach your teams to understand and apply modern (and classic) Change and Organisational Development (OD) models to drive success.

Anna has been implementing change in learning in leadership for over 20 years and understands that as change is constant, helping people through change is our priority.

To see what a coaching engagement with Anna would look like, click here.