
A bit about me…

I believe in clarity. I enjoy working strategically with boards, senior leadership teams, or learning teams and practitioners to uncover clarity and align strategically. It's never about throwing out your current values, mindsets or toolkits. It's about using what works, removing what doesn't and creating more time for you to be successful in life and work.

I love big ideas which are practical. I enjoy turning new (and long lasting) ideas into practical, contextual and sustainable behaviour change strategies, so you, and your organisation can achieve the results and the long term benefits in learning new skills and mindsets. For example, I can work with you to apply habit change science to your business problems so you can achieve fast and sustainable business results and learning.

I have always loved to learn. And in our new normal, keeping up with all the new ideas, skills and information coming at us every day is a challenge. That's why I love to help you help your organisation to get strategic about learning and filter, curate and learn, so you (and your people) feel both calm and current.

I have worked implementing change in Learning and Leadership for over 20 years as a Learning and Development Manager, Project and Change Manager, Instructional Designer, Leadership Coach, Organisational Development coach, Facilitator and Speaker.

I hold a BSc (Hons) in Neurobiology, am a certified Agile Team Facilitator, qualified Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and am certified as an mBit Coach, Leadership Coach, Life Coach and Brava Coach.

Read on to see some of the conferences where I’ve recently been talking about the future of learning…

Where I’ve been talking about the future of learning

Learning Experience Design

Agile for Business Forum

I’m running a workshop on ‘Facilitation methods and essentials for agile leaders’ at the November forum. See you there!

Organisational learning symposium

We had great conversations with many friends - new and old. So much learning to do.

Blended Learning and Technology

The future of learning

The Transforming Workplace

I led the conversation, with 4 of my clever and diverse colleagues on the implications of future of work for organisations in NZ.

Women in Tech and Telco

We talked about the leadership skills we’d need in the future in an interactive presentation, and workshop.

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Organisational Development

At Air New Zealand we are starting on the journey towards the future of work

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Blended Learning and Development conference

Leadership and learning for the future

Best practice learning design

How we embrace design thinking in learning design