The future of learning…

What’s going on with the ‘future of work’?

Yesterday, at the Blended Learning and Technologies forum here in Auckland, we had a good chat about the future of work, and what this means for the future of learning.

We started by looking at a quick video (see below) from one of the leading researchers in this space, the World Economic Forum.

And because the a couple of the key skills highlighted for the future are continuous learning, collaboration and problem solving, we collaboratively discussed what the future of work and learning meant to each of us in each of our organisations. We talked about:

  1. What are the trends do you see shaping your workplace in the next few years?

  2. What are you excited about (or scared of)?

  3. How can corporate learning teams help everyone be ready?

What is the Future of Learning?

  1. How do you learn new skills now?

  2. What will help us learn in the future?

  3. What are you doing in your organisation to future proof your learning?

Blended Learning and Technology 2018

And we agreed there was a lot of challenge and fun ahead, and if we keep up with the way learners were expecting to learn now - e.g. quickly, just in time, right where they are, and in engaging ways - using our design thinking and user centred design techniques, then we are perfectly placed to help shape the future.

Of course we discussed much, much more. So if you want to continue the discussion, please contact me for a coffee or a phone call, as I LOVE having discussions on this topic.

And if you’re curious to read more, there are great overviews on the future of work, and learning from:

  • Bersin by Deloitte here and here.

  • Also, you can check out my website or

  • You Tube channel for more videos and links - enjoy!

  • Figure 2 below links to a great article on the future of VR in learning

Thanks for your time :-) . Have fun bringing the future into now, taking away the fear, and enabling our people to succeed.